Giovanni was born on 10/12/1980 in Hamburg and plays are the age of four guitar.
He's eye grow in Wilhelmsburg and lives there today with his large family Weiss, who has over 600 members. He 1999-2001, studied music at the Hamburg College of Music and Drama. Seidem he plays
with his brother Jeffrey Weiss and his cousin Robert Weiss in Trio. In 2010 he founded with Jeffrey, Robert and Kohe Reinhardt the formation Django Deluxe.
2012 published by Edel Records the first album Wilhelmsburg as homage to her city district. Promt there was for the 2013 Echo Jazz Award as best guitarists nationally.
2015 appeared the second album Driving MPS Driving was recorded with the NDR Bigband together in NDR Studio 1. The cooperation was a living dream and very inspiring, so that it the second Echo
Jazz, again gave national also for a year later as the best guitarist.